Friday, August 13, 2010

Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn

This is the Maison Moschino located in Milan, Italy. It has themed rooms such as Alice's Room, The Forest, Sweet Room and Little Red Riding Hood. I've stayed at a theme motel before, but I imagine The Fort Motel in Shartlesville, PA was much more reasonably priced; featuring a Jungle Room, Circus Room and Dog Room. (I stayed in the Dog Room! No pictures available!)

A theme hotel I would like to visit someday is The Madonna Inn, a famous tacky hotel with many many themes in San Luis Obispo, California. Here is the Room Features Grid showing you what exactly is available (the pic above is the Sugar & Spice room). It reminds me of The Gobbler in Wisconsin, a hotel shaped to resemble a turkey for some reason, that no longer exists but can be viewed postmortem at the link. I recall staying in a Caboose Motel when I was in PA as a kid in the 70's, and the only clear memory I have is of the TV in the potbelly stove turning on when the light switch was on and there was no way to turn it off independently.

On a trip in 2006 I went to South of the Border in Dillon, South Carolina. I did not stay in the motel there, and I was curious about the Honeymoon Suite with the Sombrero Bed. It no longer exists, as they are updating and renovating. I hope they don't ruin too much of SOB because it's SUPER! If you love this kind of stuff it's worth a trip.

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